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English-Hindi > silent area

silent area meaning in Hindi

silent area sentence in Hindi

अव्यक्तरोग क्षेत्र
silent    अनुच्चरित
area    क्षेत्र क्षेत्रफल
1.In everyday huge number of people go to visit the temple and spend the few time in this silent area.

2.The LRC has a range of different study spaces, including group, quiet and silent areas, and around 130 computer workstations.

3.Given that mankind returned to a subterranean state after a global nuclear war, there is no known threat in this silent area.

4.Van appeared in at least one movie, still in the silent area, " Beauty Shop ", in 1922, based on a 1914 musical.

5.Chelakode "'is a village in Thrissur district ( Thalappilly Taluk ) ( Kondazhy Panchayath ) in the state of Kerala, India . Chelakkode Anthi Mahakalan Temple is Small Village Temple With a Calm and Silent Area, surrounded By Beautiful Paddy Fields and Natural Sceneries.

How to say silent area in Hindi and what is the meaning of silent area in Hindi? silent area Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.